Андрей Михайлович Положенцев, Polozhentsev Andrey


The article examines the ontological problems ethics of discourse. Discourse is considered as a type of reality, based not only on logical or linguistic, but also on ethical principles. Discourse is a performative reality, this reality consist of speech acts. This reality has its specific «matter» and its «physical» laws, on which this reality is constructed. Ethics of discourse has its own rules for the use of the transcendental preconditions for creating and building discourse. For verification of rules of construction of the discourse community need. Its role is to verify the procedures of conclusion of the truths. So the logic becomes ethics. Thus transcendental community becomes the Creator of science as some kind of life situation. In a scientific situation important is not what happens inside the event, and what happens inside scientific research. In this case, the message is sent to the scientific community, not participants study events.



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