In the article values are considered as stable beliefs of people in priority of one vital purpose before other, opposite vital purposes. Members of social communities to some extent identify the individual beliefs with group beliefs. Identification is shown in individuals’ adherence to values of community. It is accompanied with legitimating values which consists in substantiation the person of its adherence to the certain vital purposes developing on the basis of a personal choice. It is possible to allocate three methods of legitimation: traditional, emotional and rational, which differ in the types of a substantiation of personal beliefs. Traditional legitimation it is justification of beliefs according to their conformity to the customs, a habitual way of life, education etc. Emotional legitimation it is based on sensation of affinity, liking, respect and trust to their carriers. Rational legitimation proves beliefs by means of judgments about their value for a personal and public life. These methods of legitimation are the theoretical designs to some extent reflecting various aspects of a real substantiation of beliefs. Usually people use different combinations of these methods of legitimation. Data analysis of the qualitative empirical research devoted to the methods of the commitment life goals justification proves the legality of the above statements.
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