This article discusses the problem of the influence of values on scientific research. The thesis of the article is that science, by definition, must be associated with the values and virtues. In other words — we can talk about own scientific values and virtues. This thesis is one of the most important problems of understanding the phenomenon of science in modern times. This problem is related to two considerations. If the thesis is recognized, scientific knowledge would put in danger of subjectivism. If this thesis is criticized — we would find ourselves face to face with a suspicious value-neutrality. How is the way «between» possible? This way is the revelation of such concept of science, in which we can find the organic combination of the two sides. The first — understanding of science as activities aimed at universal and necessary knowledge. The second — recognition that virtues have to be presented in science. In this concept of science, objectivity must be present as a criterion of science, which determines the scientific knowledge as universal and necessary and also as a scientific virtue, which is defined as the overcoming of subjectivity. I argue necessary relationship of this two senses of objectivity, thereby obtains justification objectivity as the scientific value and virtue.
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