Kantians Make Bad Friends; Suspending Moral Responsibility in Relationships
In this essay, I will briefly examine the Kantian ethical tradition as inherited by Christine Korsgaard. I argue that the Kantian is committed to a morally impractical conclusion: that she must hold others morally responsible without exception. I explain the concept of moral responsibility in the Kantian and consequentialist frameworks, and then illustrate why the Kantian’s is an impractical imperative through an examination of its interpersonal effects. I end by suggesting that a consequentialist view offers a more robust framework for moral responsibility.
Полный текст:
Dennett, Caruso 2021 — Dennett D., Caruso G. Just Deserts. Medford, USA: Polity Press, 2021.
Kant, Gregor 1785/1998 — Kant I., Gregor M. J. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1785/1998. [Cited in text as “G, 4:xxx”.]
Korsgaard 1992 — Korsgaard C. M. Creating the Kingdom of Ends: Reciprocity and Responsibility in Personal Relations // Philosophical Perspectives. 1992. Vol. 6. P. 305–332.
Pereboom 2014 — Pereboom D. Free Will, Agency, and Meaning in Life. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52119/LPHS.2021.94.87.010
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(c) 2021 Jordan Myers
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